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Hospital Particular Alvor
UGA 00h16mUrgent Care
Hospital Particular Gambelas
UGF 00h06mUrgent Care
UPF 00h00mPaediatrics
Hospital Particular da Madeira
UGHM 00h17mUrgent Care
UPHM 00h00mPaediatrics
Madeira Medical Center
UGMM Unscheduled Medical Carewaiting times
Hospital Particular Alvor
UGA 00h16mUrgent Care
Hospital Particular Gambelas
UGF 00h06mUrgent Care
UPF 00h00mPaediatrics
Hospital Particular da Madeira
UGHM 00h17mUrgent Care
UPHM 00h00mPaediatrics
Madeira Medical Center
UGMM Unscheduled Medical CarePode ainda contactar-nos através do 282 42 04 00 Algarve | 269 630 370 Alentejo | 291 003 300 Madeira
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You can also contact us at +351 282 420 400 Algarve | +351 269 630 370 Alentejo | +351 291 003 300 Madeira
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Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that women have been resorting to for over 5 decades. The women motivation may differ, from women in whom the breast has not developed enough, when the size decreased after pregnancy and breastfeeding, after major weight changes or simply by the aging process of the mammary gland. Whatever the case, breast augmentation not only contributes to the improvement of physical appearance, but also to the enhancement of self-esteem, which is often the supreme reason for a woman to undergo breast augmentation.
Through a small incision is introduced a flexible implant that will boost the mammary gland, increasing its volume. The implant is completely imperceptible and will be located behind the pectoral muscle or gland, so the woman will still be able to breastfeed and prevent breast cancer through exams.
At all stages, including the first consultation, there is a photo record of the body by the most advanced imaging equipment. For breast augmentation, Canfield’s Vectra XT 3D is used, which allows a 3D simulation of the final result according to the type of prosthesis and size chosen.
B-Lite – the new generation of prostheses for breast augmentation are much desired because it’s 30% lighter than traditional implants and have a more comfortable recovery, according to studies presented.
• BODYSCULPTING | Learn more →
• Lipoabdominoplasty | Learn more →
• Facelift | Learn more →
• Neck Lift | Learn more →
• Rejuvenescimento Lipoestaminal® | Learn more
• Breast Augmentation | Learn more →
• Prosthesis | Learn more →
Information Form
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that women have been resorting to for over 5 decades. The women motivation may differ, from women in whom the breast has not developed enough, when the size decreased after pregnancy and breastfeeding, after major weight changes or simply by the aging process of the mammary gland. Whatever the case, breast augmentation not only contributes to the improvement of physical appearance, but also to the enhancement of self-esteem, which is often the supreme reason for a woman to undergo breast augmentation.
Through a small incision is introduced a flexible implant that will boost the mammary gland, increasing its volume. The implant is completely imperceptible and will be located behind the pectoral muscle or gland, so the woman will still be able to breastfeed and prevent breast cancer through exams.
At all stages, including the first consultation, there is a photo record of the body by the most advanced imaging equipment. For breast augmentation, Canfield’s Vectra XT 3D is used, which allows a 3D simulation of the final result according to the type of prosthesis and size chosen.
B-Lite – the new generation of prostheses for breast augmentation are much desired because it’s 30% lighter than traditional implants and have a more comfortable recovery, according to studies presented.
• Lipoabdominoplastia
• Facelift
• Lábios
• Lifting do pescoço
• Lóbulos das orelhas
• Olheiras
• Rejuvenescimento Lipoestaminal®
• Rinomodelação
• Mamoplastia aumento
• Substituição de próteses
• Decote
• Mesoterapia e Lipólise
• Pescoço
• Mãos
• Radiofrequência Accent Prime®
• Estética Masculina
• Fios
• Laser Harmony XL PRO®
• Preenchimentos
• Toxina Botulínica
• Hiperidrose